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      1. Introduction of PVC rigid sheet series composite materials for pharmaceutical packaging

        Introduction of PVC rigid sheet series composite materials for pharmaceutical packaging


        Core tips: introduction of PVC rigid sheet series composite materials for pharmaceutical packaging

        PVC pharmaceutical packaging series composite tablets are mainly composed of PVC pharmaceutical tablets and one or several new polymer material films and tablets, which are produced by extrusion, compounding, coating and other processing methods, and meet the requirements of pharmaceutical packaging. In the 1990s, the safety of medication has become more and more important. Because the components of some drugs are prone to deliquescence and oxidation, the original PVC aluminum-plastic packaging can no longer meet the packaging requirements of these drugs.

        According to the development trend of pharmaceutical packaging materials abroad, the pharmaceutical packaging material manufacturer led by Zhejiang Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Packaging Co., Ltd. has successfully developed PVC pharmaceutical tablets as the base material and added some high barrier polymer materials (such as PVDC of SOLVAY). It combines the rigidity and good molding of PVC and the barrier of PVDC to water vapor, oxygen and CO 2, and becomes a new composite material that can meet the requirements of deliquescence Packaging requirements for oxidizing drugs and some traditional Chinese medicines to retain fragrance. At the same time, it still uses the PTP aluminum-plastic packaging type, and the packaging equipment and process are exactly the same as the PVC drug packaging material. This series of composite materials can be customized for pharmaceutical manufacturers according to the degree of moisture and oxidation of drugs, and become a higher level of PTP packaging type. In addition, PVC/PE packaging materials replace glass bottles to fill liquid and suppository drugs, which greatly improves the drug safety of this kind of drugs. Since PVC and PVC series composite materials used in PTP packaging are directly in contact with drugs, the pharmaceutical factory should pay close attention to the sanitary conditions and environment of the PVC manufacturer after deciding to use PVC series materials to package drugs, and must have a production environment of drug packaging materials consistent with the drug production environment.

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